What Are Microplastics?

Microplastics can be defined as small pieces of plastic debris (5 mm in length) in the environment that result from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste. These tiny microplastic particles end up in our environment, oceans and water sources. With more than 330 million metric tons of plastic being produced globally each year, there is a lot of microplastic build up in our environment.

How Do You Consume Microplastics?

Microplastics can be consumed from eating food that contains traces of microplastics from its packaging, seafood, the air we breathe and from drinking water (tap or bottled). There have been studies that suggest that there are more microplastics on land than there are in our oceans.

Should You Be Worried?

Research on microplastics on land and in freshwater is still in its infancy so there are no accurate figures on the extent of the problem yet. Although there is uncertainty about what the long-term effects of microplastics are on the human body, there is growing concern that that microplastics could have adverse health effects for humans.

How Do You Manage Your Microplastics Intake?

Although it may prove difficult to fully eliminate microplastics from your life, there are several ways in which you can cut down on your consumption of microplastics.

· Drink water from a tap or a water fountain instead of using plastic water bottles.

· Don’t heat your food in plastic.

· Try to eat more fresh food that doesn’t contain plastic packaging.

· Look at ways in which you can reduce the amount of plastic that you use.

For more information on our water fountain range available in South Africa, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 021 813 6631 or send us an e-mail to sales@drinkingwaters.co.za. We want to help you find the right drinking water fountain suitable for your needs.